It is terrific to see everyone relaxed and happy after their holiday. I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Year and are ready for a busy and productive 2022.
Staff have spent a lot of time over their holidays planning for the year ahead and we are excited for what it holds. We work hard to provide a relevant, challenging and engaging learning environment for all students at MKPS. Please trust us as we pour our heart and souls into catering for all students.
Our 3 school rules of Be Safe, Be Responsible and Be Respectful remain a strong focus in dealing with all school incidents. Our Middle Mates focus will also provide a particular social skill to be demonstrated each week. Please check the weekly newsletter and follow these up at home. We also need parents to model these school values, as well as acceptance and resilience.
Children learn best when significant adults in their lives– parents, teachers and other family members– work together to encourage and support them. We encourage you to communicate with us and we will do the same. If something is happening at home that will impact on your child, please let us know. It is easier to deal with things if we are aware. Often you will hear stories that come from school that only provide one side of the story. Contact us so we can all be informed, there are always two sides to a story! Our doors are always open or we are just a phone call or email away and we encourage all parents to feel free to contact us with any concerns you may have or just to share some fantastic news with us!
We continue to be efficient about the learning time we have with all students. With this in mind we will continue to focus on punctuality and attendance. We ask that all students are at school by 9am, ready to learn. We thank you in advance for respecting our teaching and learning space and time. The new Covid normal continues to alter the way we do things. The safety of our staff, students and families is our main priority. Looking forward to a great 2022 school year!