Specialist Programs

In addition to our core classroom subjects, MKPS offer a range of specialist subjects to educate and engage students. Each classroom teacher takes on a specialist subject and throughout the week students rotate through to participate in an hour a and half of Art, Health & PE and Sustainability, including the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.


Visual Art is an important part of the curriculum at Middle Kinglake Primary School and is taught weekly by a specialist teacher. From Prep to Grade 6, Visual Art provides students with an insight into the rich, historical and cultural world around them. It nurtures self-expression, imagination and creativity, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Students experience a variety of Arts disciplines that encompass painting, drawing, textiles, sculpture, printmaking and mixed media in 2D and 3D form. Through their explorations, students learn applications of different techniques and develop skills in design. Students build responses to their own and others' artworks, teaching them how to work both individually or co-operatively in groups.



Sustainability is a huge focus of our school and we are recognised as a Resourcesmart school, an award only given to few primary schools within the state. The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program has been a huge benefit for our school and students. We have numerous irrigated vegetable gardens and we plant and grow our own produce. Students love using our produce (and lots that is generously donated) in our cooking program.





Auslan is our language and students thoroughly enjoying learning sign language. It is a particular easy language to learn at all ability levels and students have a sense of pride and achievement knowing that they could communicate with people with a hearing loss.





Our music teacher Catherine is passionate about music and we have a well resourced music room. Students listen to music, learn how to read musical notation and experiment with a variety of musical instruments. 

Our modern and well stocked library is something that makes our school unique.Students have an hour long library session each week where they are able to borrow and browse, learn research skills, develop a love for books and learn about the cataloguing system.





Our beautiful grounds and multipurpose areas are fantastic for our Physical Education and Health programs. As well as weekly PE our students have the opportunity to participate in Athletics Days, a yearly swimming program, Interschool Sports, Hooptime and bike riding. 





Chan is our visiting STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) teacher who visits our school weekly. Students are highly engaged in this innovative and hands on subject and Chan’s passion and knowledge flows through into his teaching.




By offering a diverse and engaging specialist program we aim for all students to be engaged and to find their passion or talents that may be outside of the traditional classroom.